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01 October 2009



Agrees, Sofia es genial and the NYT is already talking Emmy. And I can't wait to watch the transracially adopted asian baby age and resent the gay white dads.


Whoa, I had totally skipped this. Well, I'm skipping a lot of shows since I don't have a TV these days, but it's on hulu, q no? Will take a look and let you know where I stand. lay. sit. whatever.

La Cindy

Haven't seen episode two, or more than five mins of episode one, but I liked what I saw.


Saw the two episodes. It was funny. And I'm so happy Al Bundy has a job. Sofia Vergara does what she can with the spitfire character, but I actually love smartass Manny. So cute!


Just what I needed more "ammo" to give America to stereotype everytime my wife tells someone she is a Colombiana


I enjoyed these characters I still a boy, he enjoyed seeing how "saved the world of evil '(I forget their names) excellent blog hahaha.!


I enjoyed these characters I still a boy, he enjoyed seeing how "saved the world of evil '(I forget their names) excellent blog hahaha.!

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I've watched MF several times, mostly because I like some of the actors on the show. I have yet to enjoy one real laugh. It's a complete train wreck in my opinion. First, the faux-doc style simply doesn't work for a weekly series. In a movie like 'Spinal Tap' it has a reason to be used, but I simply can't buy the concept that a group would be subject to being interviewed constantly, for no apparent reason, for years on end (yes, I hate 'The Office', too). Second, the characters are either completely clueless or just plain mean without a trace of a genuine sense of humor. NBC's 'Parenthood' is similar in structure but has mostly engaging characters who actually talk to each other like normal people And, even though it's a drama, it has real humor based in the relationships between the characters. MF sounds like it should be funny, but it's utterly depressing.

Supra NS Footwear

One's sin will find one out.

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