Been not blogging now for months; very busy with work on the TV show. Thankfully, the season's just about over, so expect some regular contributions in the days to come...
During the hiatus, I missed many opportunities for pontifications on significant things Latino and pop: badass events like Sonia Sotomayor becoming a Supreme Court justice, Mark Sanchez starting for the New York Jets, fellow Tejano Esteban Jordan ("The Jimi Hendrix of the Accordion") featured on NPR (listen here), LA David getting a Facebook page, a Chicano astronaut in space, and some not so badass events such as the broadcast of the entire season of the most racist show on cable TV, better known as Showtime's Weeds, no Latinos on Project Runway, and the Obama administration's decision to push comprehensive immigration reform to next year. But more on all that later. Promise.
I did, however, manage to knock out a couple of music videos for Girl in a Coma. Both were shot entirely within the happy confines of Loop 410, San Antonio -- of course -- and both are off the band's new CD, Trio B.C. I leave you with the vids, and keep coming back to the KenBurns for more posts on all things Latino and pop...