According to, the source for contemporary Cuban-American pop culture news, the New Jersey School board has canceled an upcoming concert at the Union City High School by someone named CuCu Diamantes, who I'm guessing is a singer of some importance since she has a website, performed for the Obama inauguration (albeit in the de facto second-tier "Latino Inaugural Gala"), and, finally, was nominated for a Latin Grammy.
But come to think of it, who hasn't been nominated for a Latin Grammy? But that's a whole other blog post. You get the picture: homegirl is famous in certain circles.
Apparently so much so that angry Cuban-Americans don't want the singer to appear in front of their children. CuCu, it seems, sang in Cuba last public...(cue Crickets SFX)...and, well, yeah, I don't get it either. But who am I to talk? Back in my home state of Texas the lunatic fringe over there was leading the national fight to stop Obama from telling kids to study hard and stay in school.
So in these politically complicated times let us turn to a simpler and more rocking Union City. From Blondie, circa 1979, the year the Sandanistas overthrew Somoza and Fidel was there cheering them on, issues with more weight than, say, pop stars lip-synching in the school quad, I leave you with one badass music video (I am sooo jealous of that opening helicopter shot), "Union City Blue"...
I didn't even realize there were enough cubanos left in Union City to set up a proper loony protest.
CuCu Diamantes used to sing in YerbaBuena, led by Andres Levin, who's much better as a producer (Aterciopelados etc.) than as a bandleader.
I'd protest her horrible singing.
Posted by: Caro | 01 October 2009 at 01:55 PM