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13 April 2007



On May 4 Salvador Carrasco's powerful movie about the Aztec conquest by the Spanish, "The Other Conquest," is coming out in select cities. For more information visit www.theotherconquest.com


Off the Map: a mujer response to the MAP article: http://blog.myspace.com/oralearte


I had to revisit this in light of Villasinvergüenza's admission of his latest affair. So what would be the cautionary tale of Henry Cisneros? I mean, how does it play out in ths post-monica lewinsky era of Politics?

White Person

Do you realize that in making your comments about "white people" and about Ken Burns and "gringos" you are exceeding RACIST yourself. Do you have any idea that within the sphere of "white people" there are millions of nationalities and mixed races and cultures? Your sweeping comment about white people and your comments about Burns calling them "condescending" are CONDESCENDING in itelf. If you hate the United States so much, why don't you return to a land where you don't feel hateful of many of the people who share the country with you? You don't seem to have any problem when accepting a grant from the evil empire and taking their money? You just need to realize that while you think it's okay to put down "whites" and their "bland" artistry, you are doing EXACTLY to them what you keep moaning and whining and complaining they are doing to YOU.

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